Save the forests and use materials that can be recycled

Showing posts with label recycled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycled. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2013

10:00 PM

Recycled glass for kitchen floor

Glass can also be recycled for the floor
Recycled glass for kitchen floor either use recycled materials for the glass on the kitchen floor. Abundant glass material that has been wasted and so need to be reused.
You can also use your glass waste to be recycled again. It will also reduce the waste glass and also use it for useful things.
Various advantages are also obtained by using recycled glass. This material is easily installed and cleaned so it is suitable for use in the kitchen that is always exposed to dirt and damp.

The material is also resistant to heat, strong and environmentally friendly. Besides your kitchen floor can also be used for wall depends on how you are creative with your kitchen space.
In addition you can create on the floor counter tops made ​​of glass and bottles. Likewise with the kitchen cabinet to give a fresh look. It is suggested that materials with recycled material is the result of poor production. For the glass material is not compatible with it.

Material recycling of glass bottles and can be from a variety of glass used in the industry. This recycled materials seem original look with a variety of designs, colors, shapes and sizes that will give an elegant look to your kitchen floor.
The price has given is also very inexpensive when compared with materials that are not recycled. You can look at building stores around you.

This is an option for you to take part to reduce waste due landfill glass. You also have to participate by using sustainable building materials. Glass recycling is no longer just a niche market for consumers, but a "proof of the future", an established and vital business. Recycled glass tiles are technically and ecologically sensible. When these tiles are well made, the strength and absorption properties are often better than those required by ASTM.

Recycling glass into tiles reduces the need for landfills and increases the sustainability of recycling programs. It also reduces the space required for waste glass and reduces the consumption of fossil fuels. In fact, it takes less energy to reform the glass than in reality to create mosaics from scratch.In the past, recycled tiles were considered tiles that were removed from walls or floors and reused.

However, recycled glass tiles are something completely different and there is a huge consumer market for this product. Literally it has become from darkness to a dominant product among consumers. Only ten years ago, consumers believed that recycled material was a low-end product and had a low production value. Fortunately, glass tiles made from recycled materials do not fall into this category and are therefore not considered low-end products.

When baking glass tiles, casting and Smallish processes, two main methods are used. In the manufacture of tiles by the Smallish process, the glass pieces are melted in the liquid or molten state, paint is added and the glass is rolled, cooled and then cut to the required size. In the casting method, the glass pieces (shards) are brought into a mold with color and then melted. Then the glass takes on the shape of the mold and sometimes pressure is applied to bond the material with greater force.Post consumer glass has differences such as color, quality and some impurities, but its appeal is very rustic. Therefore, this operation is often done in small amounts and becomes unique.

However, the best by-product of glass that can be used is the final cutting or breaking of the glass making equipment to produce the waste. The recycling of glass remains a very controversial topic. There are no EPA purchasing guidelines in the US. You may decide what exactly the recycling of glass is. However, recycling a product and turning it into something good is environmentally responsible, but it is also difficult to standardize batches.At present there is no organization in the United States on the manufacturer side. However, LEED is an organization that recognizes and certifies the leadership in environmental safety in buildings and recognizes this product.

In the United States, the use of recycled glass tiles has attracted considerable interest, and most manufacturers of this product use high percentages of recycled materials. Of course, to get different degrees of light and shade as well as deep colors, new material has to be added to the product.Traditionally ceramic companies have begun to produce recycled glass tiles in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. The size ranges from a 1 "square glass mosaic to a 4" square, for wall and floor coverings. There are other forms as well. So if you plan to remodel your kitchen or bathroom, then you should try this eco-friendly and very attractive product.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

8:10 PM

Be creative with waste wood

Used wood can still be processed for useful purposes

Be creative with leftover wood has its own expertise. You can use wood waste from wood craftsmen so the price will be cheaper.
Wood residues are considered worthless in a particular process. But the remnants of the wood can still be used for other processes and time.

The remnants of the timber industry can be a log end, core logs, veneer damaged and saw dust.
Meanwhile, the remnants of the neighborhood may be the remains of the building. Wood type of building materials are usually hardwood with good quality.
You can be creative so that the remains of wood and can be useful.

Wood recycling is very popular nowadays. An example is the use of recycled wood as the floor. Old wood has proven strong, even stronger than new wood. Timber trees of antiquity has strong resistance and can survive until now. Wood nowadays mostly malnourished and grow longer and the wood produced is not like the days of old.

f you want to exploit directly used wood from the remains of the building, make sure the timber does not have holes that are too much as this can reduces the strength of wood.
Besides the timber will also have the thickness, length and width are varied.

You also need to understand the function of each of the materials used or recycled them. The function of these materials can be either structural or function of the building just as a filler. In this case the material can be strong, brittle or quality is already far down so that it is advisable not to use it anymore. Examples like this are already fragile roof structure you can use for material to use to cover a wall or decorative elements.

You can also be creative with used wood for interior accents such as for tables and chairs. Door of the old material can be used for the table and a roof secondhand can be used for decorative element or an interesting mosaic.
For the exterior you can use as exterior wall coverings.

All the ingredients that the former has the advantage as it is environmentally friendly and cheaper because it is not used anymore by the old owner.
The drawback is the material has deteriorated and should be carefully selected according to the needs.

Wooden floors are considered art to create a different kind of geometric figures for the design. The process of assembling the parts may be performed manually or using a machine designed for this purpose. The process is similar to the installation of tile floors. The materials used differ only in that the parquet uses softwood.

Installation is easy if you know the right procedures. But if you think that you can not do it, it is advisable to hire a skilled worker who can install it for you so that you do not waste time and money.

If the wood floor is properly installed, check thoroughly and make sure there are no gaps in the surfaces. Gaps can cause deformations in the future. It is also important that you learn to pay attention to your investment to avoid damage.

As with any wooden floor, avoid any liquid on the parquet surface. In case of spillage, clean immediately with a damp cloth or mop. Avoid moving objects or furniture on the floor as this can cause serious scratches and even disappearance of the surface.

The cleaning of this type of floor is very easy with a suitable polisher and a cotton cloth. Only use cleaning solutions for wooden floors. The use of cleaning agents that are not suitable for wood floors can cause stains and damage due to chemical reactions. Regularly remove dirt and dust to maintain the smooth surface of the floor and to get a new look.

When using a vacuum cleaner, be careful not to overdo it as it will carry the finish.

If the floor of your floor has visible scratches, you can use retouching pens, usually wax, that match the color of the striped areas. Use a spatula to remove excess material, then polish the treated area.

You can also use markers with wood stains that you can buy on your local hardware. These markers can be used to treat scratches on any part of your floor.

If your parquet is badly damaged you can treat the area yourself. Use a tape around the damaged area, then use a fine sandpaper and sand off the damaged part. After sanding, repaint the area and apply a new finish. Buff the affected part until you are satisfied with the result.